Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Two Years Two Months Two In Love

As usual I have been MIA.. busy being a grand-mother twice and another on the way, going to school and being a mother to a teen aged daughter.. planning a wedding, and of course work, work, work...LOL I need help from my SL sista's I need hair style ideas for my wedding which is in 67 days and suggestions for a good moisturizer, shampoo and conditioner other then SL brands.. So now for the I am positng my initial installation in 2008 and my growth during the past two years of my journey...

Start of my journey 2008

Continuing my journey 2010

Remember my first grand-daughter "Tinkerbell"...soon to be 2yrs old

My handsome grand-son whom I call "Cookie"..just turned a year old


Nubian1 said...

That is some serrrrrious growth my Twin!!! S E R I O U S!!! ; o

Angel Locs said...

Hey twin, I know I want more,more,more thinking about taking hair vitamins for even more growth. I'm loving it, this was the best decision I have ever made .

new2locs said...

Your hair has grown so much & the babies are just adorable!

JUST Euphoria said...

Wow!! you dont know how much I have missed reading your blog, I had to put my cereal done and pause for the cause, first congrats on 2 yrs your locks are no longer short HEEEY!! & congrats on the up & coming wedding!!! don't make us wait to long for them wedding pics & congrats to 2 & one on the way grand babies, girl yeah you busy but I aint madd at you thanks for the updates, & your locks are beautiful

Angel Locs said...

Hey New2Locs,

Yes, it has grown so much I am at the in between stage now. But happy I can finally have a little pony tail..the journey continues. And thanks I just love my grand babies...

Angel Locs said...


I would have been disappointed had I not gotten a shout out from yourself and Nubian1, I so miss blogging as much as I used to but had to take a breather and let my SL sista's know I'm still on my journy, my youngest daughter has decided to take the big cut and go natural she's not ready for the SL commitment.."16" but wants to be natural..

Much love

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Look at how fast your hair has grown!!!! Your grandbabies are adorable!

Anonymous said...


Yes I'm so happy I made the transition, thanks my grandbabies are my life now they give me so much energy when they are around and tiring they like to dance...keeping me busy ...Happy Holidays.

Ezme said...

Hi stranger, Congratulations on everything that is currently happening to your life!! Blessings bestowing upon the Angel!! As for those beautiful headfull of locs ..... WOW!!! I think we would all like to know specifically what vitamins your taking ( dosage, brand name, time of day u take them lol!!!). x

JUST Euphoria said...

Hey sweetie! I was surfing the net for natural shampoo's & came across a web page selling a product called Hairobics a product that promises to regrow hair, & they had your pics in the before & after section as a testimonial. I am curious to know do you really use this product & did you get any hair growth from it, or did this site use your pics with out permission to sell a product? but I hope all is well can't wait to see more updates