Monday, October 6, 2008


I must give thanks to my SL Consultant Trainee Laura, she is truly a blessing as she did not want to install my locks at only 2 inches. The recommended length is 3-4 inches, however she trusted that I would take good care of these little wonders and she is absolutely correct. I am so thankful to you Laura for having faith in me.

During my two day 17 hour installation, I came in each morning with my bag of goodies for the day(poweraide,cheese sticks, fruit, veggies and veggie dip). We only took potty breaks a few times each day and maybe 15 minutes for a quick bite, Laura and I chatted about raising children, grandchildren, the Gospel, we laughed about life and good times,while we watched Gospel Video's Laura and I praised in the Spirit.... but she kept those fingers working.

As you can see my locks are very tiny, Laura had a bit of a struggle around the edges but she got those babies in there.

My hair is medium coily, as soon as Laura put in the locks they would spring into little coils with a exception of a few that want to do their own thing. The back of my hair is much thicker then the top and sides, but as time goes on I know this will all fill in I will just keep pumping those vitamins,drinking water and eating a better diet for healthier hair and skin.

This was a gracious experience, I am so happy to have begun my SL Journey...Nubian1 and I started our journey this past weekend this will make my journey even more exciting to blog with Nubian1 as we start our journey together.

I feel happy and free


Ezme said...

They look sooooooo cute!
Welcome to the Sl family girl.

Stay Blessed

Nubian1 said...

Yaaaaaahhhhhhhh we did it, didn't we girl?????!!!

I see just like mine, the grey hair as stubborn as hell defying us. Colour or no colout right there at the base (did we or did we not colour a few days before???? EXACTLY)

....I'm telling you girlfriend eventually we have to give into it and set a trend and wear the grey with PRIDE!!!!!

Hey, we could call it the GREY PRIDE and have woman all over the world looking forward to going grey. Well it has already happened with the perm so it WILL happen with the grey.

CONGRATULATIONS, they look fab so we must enjoy each day as am sure you are and just watch it grow GROW GROW.


V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Congrats your locks look great! I love the color.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on your new transition, you already seeom to love them so I know as time go on you will be in love with them even more!

The Real Nique said...

Your hair looks so nice. I wish sometimes I would have colored my hair befor I put my locks in, but I have the hardest tme choosing color. I guess I will have to see a professional for that. I will be following your blog especially since our hair is about the same length and at the same stage :)

JUST Euphoria said...

welcome, I am so excited for you I know it probably felt like the day would never come, but you look absolutly beautiful so curllly before you know it your 2inches will be 6 inches, I will most definitly be following along.

CaribSun said...

I am so happy for you. Your baby locks look so cute. I am still waiting for a bit more length to start my sisterlocks. I also have the gray patches, but I tell everyone that I have earned every one of those babies. I never thought about covering them up.

Naturally Sophia said...

soo very cute indeed. Welcome to the Sisterlocks Sisterhood!

JUST Euphoria said...

if you go to and click the download button and just follow the prompts you should be able to navigate your way through. to select pictures you want to collage click on the pics they will go to the bottom of the left hand corner there's a green push pin that you have to push to lock the pics. in place then once you got your desired pics push the collage button and take it from there once you got the desired effects you want click on Blog this at bottom of screen.

Anonymous said...

U Go Gurl,
Your hair is so cute. I know you will enjoy the journey. Your blog is very "friendly".
I have the "grays" in the front. They just jump out and wave 2 everyone they meet. I call them My WISDOM.

Maryee said...

Beautiful!!! Welcome to the family!!!!